Recent X (Twitter) changes to their API have impacted the New tweet from search trigger.
To read through the complete changes and operators from X, click here.
Common issues
No longer supported
min_faves:, and filter: are no longer supported. You can review their documentation for alternatives.
For example: turtles -filter:retweets -filter:nativeretweets can be replaced with turtles -is:quote -is:retweet
Search operator precedence has changed
As the Search operator precedence has changed, you’ll need to update from:username term1 OR term2 to from:username (term1 OR term2).
For example: from:ifttt turtles OR fish should be replaced with from:ifttt (turtles OR fish).
Cannot list an operator on its own
A search query must include a search term or other element, not only an operator.
For example: -is:retweet will return an error.
Additional search help
If none of the cases above apply check the search guide. You can also view all available operators here, any operator tagged with the Search tag is compatible with the New Tweet From Search trigger.